Neck pain is not only painful, but it becomes annoying as it affects your ability to perform routine tasks and prevents you from turning your head as easily. It is a common problem that can get better with stretches if it is not resulting from injuries or some underlying health condition. Call Pain Physicians NY Clinic today and schedule an appointment with Dr. Leon Reyfman and Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy compassionate and personalized care based on your symptoms. Dr. Leon Reyfman and Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy offer a comprehensive approach to addressing neck pain and recommend the best treatments, including stretches, to alleviate neck pain and helps you feel better in the long run.
Neck pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It is often caused by poor posture, muscle strain, injuries, or underlying medical conditions. Sitting at a computer for long hours, work stress, carrying heavy bags, reading for hours, staring at your phone, and poor posture can result in neck ache. Sometimes, this pain can also extend to the shoulders and have a significant impact on your daily life, work, and overall quality of life. It may even keep you awake at night if you cannot find a comfortable position.
Your neck and back like movement. Thus, it is essential to take active steps that help alleviate the distressing symptoms and improve your well-being. Physical therapy, including exercises and stretches, plays a crucial role in easing neck pain by reducing muscle tension and restoring mobility.
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How Does Stretching Reduce Neck Tension?
Stretching is a non-invasive remedy that relieves neck pain without medications or surgery. According to experts, stretching can relax muscles and reduce neck stiffness and tension, preventing pain and other complications. Stretching also increases blood flow and circulation to the muscles and eases nerve sensitivity that we feel when the muscles are stressed, which causes discomfort.
Tight neck muscles put stress on the cervical spine, the seven vertebrae or bones at the back of the skull, and the nerves in that area. When your neck muscles are flexible, it takes some pressure off these joints and improves their range of motion. When muscles move better, joints work better too.
Better neck mobility enables you to hold yourself in a more comfortable position as you move, perform your routine tasks easily and keeps away pain and uneasiness.
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Best Stretches That Relieve Neck Pain
Stretching and exercising are the most effective preventive measures for potential injuries and conditions. They are easy to do and make the muscles in your neck stronger, more flexible. They can loosen a tense neck, banish pain, and develop better range of motion. A strong neck can help prevent problems with your shoulders, upper back, and arms as well.
Here are some expert-recommended, easy-to-do stretching exercises that provide quick relief from your discomfort. You can even do them while sitting at your workstation to release neck strain.
Neck Glide
You can do this while sitting straight in a firm chair or standing up straight. If you are standing, keep your feet about hip-width apart. Keep your neck straight and look ahead. Slowly slide your chin forward. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Do it 10 times.
Neck Extension
Sit in an upright position. Start by inhaling and slowly lifting your neck to look at the ceiling, without arching your back. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Exhale and return to a neutral position.
During a neck extension exercise, the stretch is felt along the front of the neck through the throat. Practice this exercise 5 times. It is a good exercise that you can even do while you are at work to prevent neck strain.
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Neck Rotation
Sit or stand with your shoulders relaxed and look ahead. While keeping the back straight and shoulders still, gradually turn your head to the left as far as it can go without increasing pain. Hold for 10 seconds. Then, slowly turn your head to the right side. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position.
Do this 10 times. If you sit and work on a computer for long hours and have to keep your head steady, this is a good exercise to release tension from your muscles. Try doing it multiple times during the day to prevent neck strain.
Lateral Extension
Sit or stand and look straight ahead. Slowly lean your head to the left. Using your left hand for resistance, use the muscles in your neck to press against it. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Then, slowly lean your head to the other side. Hold for 5 seconds. Return to starting position.
Do it 10 times. When you perform lateral neck extension, the stretch is felt along the side of the neck. It is a good exercise that can be performed during work, especially if your job involves keeping your head in the same position for longer hours. You can repeat this several times to prevent the neck muscles from stiffening.
Shoulder Shrugs
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and look ahead. Slowly raise both your shoulders and hold for 5 seconds before returning to the starting position. Exhale and raise your shoulders slowly without bending your elbows, as if you are shrugging your shoulders. Do this 10 times.
Shoulder shrugs target the trapezius muscles located on either side of the neck. They control the movement of your shoulder blades as well as the upper back and neck. It is a good exercise for people who work on computers all day and have to keep their heads steady for extended periods. Doing shoulder shrugs after every few hours can keep your neck muscles stress-free.
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Tilted Forward Flexion
This exercise is meant to improve the flexibility in the sides of the neck to reduce overall pain. Start by looking straight ahead. Gradually lower your chin towards the chest and look downward while only moving the head. When the head has been flexed as forward as it can comfortably go, hold it for 5 seconds before returning to the neutral position.
If you work long hours and seldom get a chance to move your head, this is the right exercise to keep your neck muscles flexible. Do it several times a day to prevent neck strain.
Deep Stretching
Sit comfortably and let your head fall towards your shoulders. You can also apply pressure with your hand but do not overdo it. If needed, you can also hold onto your chair in the opposite direction. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat it three times.
Resistance Presses
For this stretch, keep your head in a neutral position at all times. Apply pressure, first at the back of your head and then at the forehead for 5 seconds, and relax. You will feel a gentle contraction on the side neck muscles as you apply pressure.
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Towel Pull
Sit in a chair and place a rolled towel around your neck, holding both ends with your hands. Slowly look up as far as you can, while rolling your head over the towel. Apply gentle pressure on the towel to support the spine as you extend the head back. Do not hold this position. Return to the starting position.
Do this at least 10 times. This towel neck stretch targets the muscles in the neck and upper back. It helps to strengthen the neck muscles and improves overall neck mobility.
When it comes to coping with neck pain, stretching is the best option. Doing neck stretches regularly can help relieve everyday pain and stiffness. They ease the tension and improve the flexibility and mobility of your neck. Having strong, flexible muscles and joints that resist strain and injury can help you manage and prevent neck pain in the long run.
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How Often You Should Perform Neck Stretches?
If you have an acute stiff neck that is particularly painful and difficult to move, only try each of these stretches once before giving it a rest. You can try them again a few hours later or the next day.
As time passes, these stretches may start to feel more comfortable and can be increased. You can hold a stretch position for 10 seconds or do multiple sets. At each step, remember that your goal is to improve neck flexibility and function and not increase pain.
Once the initial neck pain and stiffness lessen, you can go for a more involved routine for neck strengthening and stretching to reduce the risk of neck pain from coming back. Keeping active is the best way to find relief and improve your overall quality of life.
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When Do You Need to See a Doctor?
Neck pain caused by poor posture, repetitive movement, or overuse of muscles can often be treated at home. But if your symptoms do not improve with rest and home care, you need medical attention.
Neck pain that continues to worsen, even persists after several weeks of self-care, or starts radiating down your arms or legs indicates that it might be time to seek professional help.
Call your doctor immediately if:
- Your neck pain or stiffness is accompanied by severe headache, fever, nausea, dizziness
- You have numbness, tingling, or weakness
- You have a history of serious medical conditions
- Your neck pain is a result of some injuries or trauma
- Your pain worsens when you stretch your neck
- Your neck pain wakes you up from sleep
Talk to your doctor if you have pain during normal activities, or if your symptoms move away from the center of your neck. A physical examination and your medical history will help him make an accurate diagnosis regarding your condition. He may order imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRI if he suspects a serious injury or if you are experiencing severe pain that does not improve.
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At Pain Physicians NY Clinic, Dr. Leon Reyfman and Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy help you overcome your struggle with neck pain and find long-term relief. Dr. Leon Reyfman and Dr. Boleslav Kosharskyy specialize in treating pain-related issues and use the latest treatment techniques and exercises to eliminate neck pain. They focus on identifying the underlying factors that lead to stiffness and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back and restrict your activities and mobility. They come up with customized treatment plans that strengthen your neck muscles, relieve your pain, and get you back to your routine life within no time.